
The effect of visibility on forecast and inventory management performance during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare organizations suffered a shortage of essential medical supplies, such as personal protective equipment, which resulted in severe consequences. This study aims to assess the impact of one potential factor for …

Logistique hospitalière et enjeux d’approvisionnement dans le milieu de la santé

Three panelists share their experience

Le niveau de maturité digitale de la chaîne logistique interne des établissements de santé de la province de Québec: une étude exploratoire

A poster presentation on the level of digital maturity of the internal supply chain of healthcare institutions in the province of Québec.

Le niveau de maturité digitale de la chaîne logistique interne des établissements de santé de la province de Québec: une étude exploratoire

Digitalization has been a concern for both practitioners and researchers for several years. It obviously applies to the field of supply chain management, where information flow management plays a major role. In Quebec (Canada), the digitalization of …